VIDEO: GIVEAWAY WINNERS! Q&A- Life After College, Summer Makeup, Frizzy Hair Solutions

It’s time for another questions and answering video, which I love doing for y’all! There was a common theme among the questions- summer makeup and hair. I’m giving tons of tips and product recommendations for beating the summer heat with your makeup and taming fuzzy hair. I’m also discussing my plans for summer now that I’ve graduated, and what I said as a child I wanted to be when I grew up. A few questions also surrounded starting a Youtube channel, and what compelled me to do so. I hope you enjoy!

♥ Questions 

sam Velasco

When did you start filming YouTube videos? And what motivated you to start doing them?


What pointers would you have on someone starting their own beauty channel?

Megan Smith

Do you like to watch YouTube videos and if so, who are some of your favorites? Also, if you were stranded on a island what two makeup items would you definitely bring?

Alexa Lucero

What’s you’re fav foundation like of anything you have tried?


Who was the first YouTube Guru you subscribed to?


Whats your favorite makeup and/or hair brand?

MiKayla Kami

Can you do a hair dying video safe for curly hair, and what products do you use?

cristi andreea

What is the best foundation for this summer?

queen queen

What’s your favourite type of food? Where do you live? What counter would you visit?

witchmom davis

What are you favorite hair products for curly hair that do not have citric acid in them?

Nadja Pope

What primer do you use for your eyeshadow?

niki m

Which is your holy grail product?


What’s your favourite make up product? What make you start this youtube channel?

Kaylie MacLeod

Any advice on a good conditioner for thick, dry, curly hair!?


What was you aim as a child to grow up into? And are you close to that childhood dream?

Totally Tia X

Do you have any tips or products you would recommend to stop curly hair going frizzy in summer? 

Liv “Meninha82” Cordeiro

What is your new goal now that you have graduated?

Becca Reese

What is your favorite workout?

Angel Power Girl

If you could travel any where in the world where would do you go? And why?

Jenna G

What eyeshadow colors look good with brown eyes? What is your everyday summer makeup look?

Brooke Hill

What are you doing this summer? What’s your favorite makeup products?

candice bergstrom 3 weeks ago

What are you goals as far as your channel is concerned?

Natalie Urso

Any tips on how to keep from sweating all my makeup off in this summer heat?

Thank you for your questions! Please leave any more you have in the comments for the next Q&A!


All giveaway prizes have been shipped out, except for Taylor’s. Please respond to my Youtube message within 48 hours of this video being posted so I don’t have to choose another winner. Thank you all for entering, and I will have more giveaways soon!

Youtube winners:

Taylor Dugan

Cristina Navarrete

Social media winners:

Candice Bergstrom

Ashley James


Enter my Cetaphil & selfie stick giveaway!

Check out my curly bun hair tutorial with Garnier!

♥ Check out my latest video ♥

How to Get Natural Full Brows









♥ My favorite makeup brushes: Sigma Beauty <–10% off with code GLOWGETTER

♥ My skincare: <–20% Off through that link

♥ My self tanner: <–Use code GlamMeUp8 to get 10% off orders!

♥ My teeth whitening kit: <–Use code “kit24” to get it for only $25 (regular $99)

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