VIDEO: Decluttering My Stash- Eyeshadow BLOG SALE

The next addition to my “Decluttering My Stash” series features tons of eyeshadow palettes, quads, and single shadows. I had planned on doing all eye and lip products in one video, but I decided to break them into separate parts so it wouldn’t get too long.

I was shocked at the response after the face products blog sale, and everything is almost sold out! There’s still a few items left, such as PUR foundations, bronzers, and more. Check out that post here to snatch them up!

Many of the products are gently used or may have merely been swatched. Others are brand new and still in the box. Products that have been used are marked with an (*).

I’m not selling products with the intention of making a profit, I mostly just want to cover shipping costs and pass them off to someone who wants them.

Prices include shipping costs.

Click the product name link to read more about each item on the brand’s website! Feel free to email me with any questions regarding my opinions on the product and if it is right for you.

How to Purchase:

  • Email me at with the subject line of “Blog Sale: [Insert Item Name]”
  • Include the full name of the product in the email, along with your name and shipping address
  • Unfortunately this blog sale is only open to US residents
  • Once I reply confirming that the item is still available I will provide you will instructions on how to send payment through PayPal
  • Items that have been purchased will be marked through once shipped

Disclaimer: Everything is sold “as is” and returns/exchanges will not be accepted. I promise to do my best safely packaging items, but I am not responsible for items that are damaged or lost during shipping. If an item is returned to me, you must pay for shipping again if you’d like it re-shipped. Items will be shipped as soon as payment is received. Standard shipping speed with tracking will be used with all items. By purchasing these items you are agreeing to these terms.

Makeup for Sale:

Don’t forget to check out the other declutter videos:

Decluttering My Makeup Collection! Huge BLOG SALE! Face Products

Decluttering My Stash: Hair & Skincare +BLOG SALE & GIVEAWAY!

Check out my latest video:

Decluttering My Makeup Collection! Huge BLOG SALE! Face Products

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