How to Get Curlier Roots

Do your curls always seem to start further down the hair shaft instead of right at the root? While this is totally natural for some people, there are some things you can do to encourage more curls at the root. 

In this video, I walk you through a step-by-step wash day routine for more consistent curls throughout.

1. Clarify/Chelate

One of the most common causes of straightened-out curls, especially at the root, is buildup. Buildup occurs from all the conditioning products that we use, our scalp’s natural sebum and sweat, and hard water minerals.

Clarifying shampoos will remove buildup from the hair and scalp and prevent the roots from being weighed down.

If you have hard water buildup, you will need a shampoo with special ingredients such as “Disodium EDTA” to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium. 

Clarifying shampoos can be used 1-2x per month.

I’ve been using this one from Ouidad and really enjoying it. It’s not too stripping, yet effectively removes all buildup.

2. Deep Condition

Straightened-out roots can be caused by damage from washing your hair in hot water, the sun, bleach, hair dye, and straightening.

While the only way to eliminate major damage is to grow it out and get a haircut, you can use products such as bonding treatments or products with protein to strengthen the hair. Bond repairing treatments work to relink broken bonds in our hair to restore strength. I always noticed that my curls spring up more after using bond-repairing products or protein because they can help restore the curl’s structure.

I used a deep conditioner from Not Your Mother’s that has bond-repairing ingredients which will strengthen and prevent damage. I let it sit for about 10 minutes and then rinsed it out. Ensure you’re fully rinsing it out, and gently massage your scalp as you rinse to ensure there isn’t conditioner left behind which can weigh down your roots. 

3. Apply Styling Products

Before applying my styling products, I spritzed my hair with water and then applied a heat protectant to protect my hair from the heat when I diffuse.

Then for moisture, I applied Ouidad Moisture Lock Leave-In conditioner. It’s not heavy, so it won’t weigh down your hair. I usually will start on the driest areas which are my ends, and then work the excess up to the roots. 

For my main styling product, I used the Ouidad Advanced Climate Control Stronger Hold Gel. I like to apply it in sections to ensure every strand of hair gets covered. I take my stylers all the way to my roots because styling products are what help to create more defined curls and hold them in place. A lot of  people are afraid to apply stylers to the root area but if you leave that hair completely naked, it won’t be as defined and you can also get more root frizz. The key is to not apply it onto your scalp, just the hair. 

You also want to avoid products that are too thick or heavy because those can weigh down your roots.

3. Style

Styling techniques such as brush styling and finger coiling will enhance your curls, encourage ringlets, and create more consistent curls throughout. When I brush style, I start right at the root and twist by brush with slight tension. The tension around the edge of the brush is what creates ringlets. 

You just want to be gentle and not tug or cause breakage. Ensure you have products that are very slippery like this gel in your hair when brush styling. Avoid brushing the hair upside down as this can just stretch out the roots, especially in the back. I prefer to style upright for more control over how the hair will lay.

Creating a messy part or going with a “no part” look will encourage root lift. You can also try and pay attention to the direction of the curls. If you’re brushing in the opposite direction by mistake, it can straighten them out.

If you don’t want to use a brush, you can also try the finger coiling technique which can give a similar effect.

Before I diffuse, I always like to microplop which can really enhance the curl shrinkage. I used the Hair Repear towel which is absorbent and won’t cause frizz. Hold the root up with one hand and then gently scrunch all the way up to the roots.

I don’t recommend the traditional plopping method because this can really smush the roots into the scalp and cause them to flatten out.

4. Diffuse

Diffusing is crucial for enhancing root curls, and having a diffuser attachment that has long prongs that extend out past the end of the diffuser is important because then you can use them to lift the roots away from the scalp. The heat will help to set the curl shape and your gel cast.

Air drying will result in a more elongated look due to gravity and the water weight. Diffusing helps create more volume and root lift overall.

Once my hair is 100% dry, I scrunched out the crunch and fluff my roots for a softer look.


Curly Hair Routine for Curlier Roots Results

My curls are so much more defined from the root to tip, and I have much more volume. This wash day routine is one that I would do 1-2x per month for a reset. The styling routine portion is similar to what I do in my weekly routines.

This product combo has recently become one of my favorites because my curls stay moisturized and are super defined. It also is very easy to refresh and they hold up well all week.

Haircuts for more root curls

You would be surprised how much of a difference a good curly cut will make. The longer your hair is, the more weight will pull down your roots. Getting layers will help to create shape and help the top section bounce up more.

I avoid layers because my hair is low-density and layering can make my ends look too thin. However, I have to maintain a shorter length to keep the curls bouncy and defined.

Damaged ends will also weigh down the hair and reduce overall curliness. Get frequent trims and maintain your length by keeping it healthy and avoiding heat.

Straighter roots are common & normal

It’s important to remember that sometimes people just naturally have straighter roots. These techniques can help you identify if your curls naturally start at the root, and if they don’t make a difference, it could just be your natural curl pattern. It’s normal to have various curl patterns throughout your head and it doesn’t mean that something is “wrong” with your curls. Embrace the natural variance in curly hair.

If you still need more help with your roots, check out these posts:
How to Get Volume for Low-Density Hair
How to Make Curls Tighter at the Root & More Defined (2020 version)

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