Today, I’m answering your questions regarding dryness, halo frizz, lack of hold, stringiness, itchy scalp, and more while styling with Innersense products.
I also have an exciting announcement for a new program I’m launching that will allow us to connect one on one and solve your curl problems together.
Wash Day Routine
For today’s wash day routine, I used a some new products and some treatment products that I love. Off camera, I used the new Living Proof Scalp Exfoliator that uses chemical exfoliants to remove dead skin and buildup from the scalp. Then I used their clarifying shampoo that removes hard water, and finished with a new protein deep conditioner from TreLuxe. I also use the Living Proof Triple Bond Complex before styling.
- TréLuxe Soothe & Restore Restorative Protein Mask
- Living Proof Scalp Care Exfoliator
- Living Proof Clarifying Detox Shampoo
- Living Proof Triple Bond Complex
For styling products, I went with the Innersense I Create Curl Memory. I have used this several times and got an extreme cast, but still ended up with some frizz especially by day 2. I wanted to see how it would do by adding in the I Create Lift Volumizing Foam. I was impressed by the amount of hold I got once my hair dried, and it seemed to be less frizzy than when I use the I Create Memory alone. I also tested the I Create Shine oil for the first time and really like it. It smells amazing!
- Innersense I Create Shine
- Innersense I Create Lift Volumizing Foam
- Innersense I Create Curl Memory
- Innersense Quiet Calm Curl Control Cream
- Bounce Curl Volume EdgeLift Brush
- Hair RePear Ultimate Hair Towel
- Curlsmith Defrizzion Hair Dryer & XXL Diffuser
- Bouclème Flairosol Mist Spray Bottle
I loved my results and they were very defined. It was a bit tough to scrunch out all the cast, but I managed to soften most of it. I wish I got some footage from day 2, but my hair looked pretty good! It had some frizz but overall looked great. It did feel slightly “crispy” though.

Q: Why does my hair still look dry even with styling soaking wet?
A: What do you mean by “looks dry”? If it’s dull and lighter in color, it could be:
- Buildup
- Your naturally high porosity
- Lack of conditioning
- Lack of hold – you’re using too much water
Q: Why do I barely get any gel cast even when using strong hold gels?
A: I have a full video on this topic, linked here. To summarize:
- You’re using too much water when styling
- You’re not applying enough gel thoroughly
- Try diffusing over air dying
- Is your gel truly strong hold?
- You have too much conditioning on your hair underneath
Q: What routine do I need for long-lasting definition? My hair gets soft and over-conditioned easily.
A: The more conditioning ingredients and water under your gel, the less hold you’ll get and the curls won’t last long.
- Try using just a gel
- Use less leave-in or cream underneath
- Use a more lightweight conditioner
- Make sure you’re fully rinsing out conditioners or masks
- Look for a gel with little to no conditioning ingredients
Q: Why is my hair always frizzy at the back of my head?
A: Are you taking time to style the back? Use a handheld mirror to check the back when you’re styling. Make sure you’re getting gel back there evenly, and styling in sections.
Q: I can’t get my fine 2B hair to be anything but stringy. It doesn’t want to clump.
A: Have you had a haircut? You may need a shorter cut and no layering. You may need also need a softer hold product if you want more fullness as well. Try the praying hands technique at the end of styling for stubborn hair that won’t clump. I have a whole video on this here.
Q: Why do I have tons of halo frizz by day 2 despite using strong hold gels?
A: Are you applying your gel all the way to the roots? Try adding more gel to the surface on dry hair after diffusing or use a hairspray.
Q: Why is my scalp itchy when my hair is curly opposed to straight?
A: There’s many causes of itchy scalp:
- Are you getting product on your scalp when styling? Apply it to the roots but avoid the actual scalp.
- Are you properly shampooing? Make sure you’re covering all areas of the scalp, and section if needed.
- Is your shampoo too conditioning/not strong enough?
- Are you shampooing often enough? Not everyone can go days on end, and that’s ok!
- Make sure you’re not allergic to one of the curly products you’re using. Eliminate one product at a time to determine which one is causing the issue.
- Try fragrance-free products if you’re scalp is sensitive.

I’m so excited to announce that I am starting curl coaching! You and I will have the chance to meet one-on-one and solve your curl problems together! I have been wanting to do this for such a long time now and am looking forward to connecting with you more and learning more about your curl struggles.
I am offering both virtual meetings and email coaching!
I am starting off with Tuesdays and Thursdays, but will likely add in a weekend day soon. Email coaching sessions are on Mondays, but the time you book for those just serves as my deadline for when I will send your response.
Those who are on my email waitlist had access to book first, so spots are already filling up. I will be opening my books about 60 days in advance. If you join my email list, you’ll be the first to receive notice when new slots are opened.
Win a free email coaching session
Leave a testimonial and be entered in a quarterly drawing for a free email coaching session! The first drawing will be the end of September. I will randomly select someone who has left a testimonial and will reach out to the winner via email. You are welcome to enter and leave a testimonial even if you’re not a curl coaching client.
Thank you so much for supporting me in this journey! I can’t wait to meet with you one-on-one.

One Response
Hi there not sure if you have a section where we can leave questions? I’m just wondering if I could do a wash day without putting in styling products and then just air dry. And then next day I can wet my hair and add in the styling products and diffuse or air dry for curls ? If this is possible then it would really cut down my routine time in getting ready for things as I could wash my hair the day before an event.
I love your work and helpful advice- thanks for staying so real and trustworthy in this social media world