Do you find brush styling so difficult to master? I am sharing a simplified method that anyone can try to smooth out frizz and enhance your curl bounce and curl clumping.
Step 1: Apply styling products to clean, damp or wet hair
Purpose: Provide slip for brush styling and maximum definition & hold.
Start with clean, damp hair that has already been shampooed, conditioned, and detangled.
If you want to maximize your hold and definition, apply your styling products, especially your gel (as long as it has slip), before you brush style. This will also give you slip so you don’t cause damage when brush styling. Applying gel before brush styling will ensure it evenly coats every strand of hair to tame frizz.
Today I’m going with the Tootilab All Weather Styling Gel, which I will apply after I section. This gel gives a medium hold, has lots of slip for brush styling, and has built-in heat protection.
If you want to achieve more fullness and volume and don’t mind some frizz, you can apply a leave-in or curl cream, brush style, then scrunch in gel at the end. This results in a bit more frizz and volume because the gel is not coating every strand.
- Tootilab All Weather Styling Gel
- Bounce Curl Water Mister
Quickest Brush Styling Method

If you’re really in a hurry or want the simplest method, you can simply brush with some tension without sectioning. However this may not result in much curl enhancement and possible reduce volume. Tension is created when you apply pressure to your hair with the brush. That tension is what makes the curls smush together, clump, smooth frizz, and bounce up. You can apply pressure with your other hand against the brush or just push the brush into the hair from underneath. Using a brush with dense bristles will grab the hair and apply the most tension. However, for better results, I recommend sectioning your hair.
Step 2: Section your hair in clean lines
Purpose: Prevents snagging and makes brush styling easier. The thicker your hair, the more sections you’ll need.

Sectioning is critical because it makes it so much easier to brush style. This may take a few extra seconds, but you won’t get snags or your hair stuck in the brush if you section your hair.
Before creating sections, ensure your hair is detangled and run your hands through it to lift the hair off the scalp and create space.
Create sections by placing your two index fingers under the hair, to where they’re against the scalp and then move to the back until the meet. Maintain contact with your scalp while you’re doing this to create clean lines. Gather the hair and then separate it while holding the top section. Clip the top section up securely, ensuring there is not hair drooping down over the line. Hair that is dropped below the section line is what causes snags.
- Bounce Curl Volume Root Clips
I’ve done a full video on sectioning for beginners, so I recommend watching that if you’re still struggling.
Then I apply my gel. As I mentioned previously, if you want less coverage of your gel for more volume and frizz, you can just apply your gel at the end of styling.
Best brushes for brush styling
With the right technique, you can brush style with any brush as long as it’s able to grab onto the hair. You can’t brush style with a wide-tooth comb because this doesn’t hold onto the hair or apply any tension.
You can use a regular hair brush and just apply tension, or use a brush that is designed for brush styling.
One of my favorites is the Bounce Curl EdgeLift Volume Brush because it is the quickest to use since it applies maximum tension and separates all at once with the grooves in it. It has dense bristles to really grab the hair and smooth it.
The downside to a dense brush is it can be too much tension for someone with weak for fragile hair. If your hair is very damage or super fine, I would avoid brush styling or use a very flexible brush.
- Bounce Curl Volume EdgeLift Brush
I also like the Tangle Teezer. This brush is multipurpose so its also made for detangling or just distributing product, so you can use it to just brush through your hair. I would not brush through your hair or detangle with something as dense as the Bounce Curl brush.
The Tangle Teezer is fully plastic and it has flexible bristles. Depending on your technique, you can apply more or less tension for different results.
- Tangle Teezer Naturally Curly Detangling Brush
Another option is the Curl Keeper Flexy brush, or any gentle detangling brush. This is designed for detangling so it has super flexible plastic bristles and they’re spaced far apart. This is what I would go with if my hair was very fragile. Because it’s so flexible, you’re really going to need to apply pressure with your other hand when styling.
- Curl Keeper Flexy Hair Brush
Step 3: Brush with tension beginning at the root

Purpose: The tension is what smooths the frizz down, clumps the curls, and enhances bounce.
- Pick up a section of hair, no wider than your brush. Brush through it gently so it’s smooth.
- Place your brush underneath, at the root, with the bristles pointing up. Then turn the brush so the hair presses against the base of the brush.
- Brush up and away from the scalp while applying tension/pressure the full way down the strand.
- Shake, finger coil, or scrunch to get the curls to return.
Incorrect brush styling

Simply brushing your hair from root to tip from above the hair will not create tension so it will not enhance the curls. This will only flatten the hair to the scalp and straighten it out. We need to create tension or pressure away from our scalp with our brush in order for it to smooth frizz and enhance the curls.
Another mistake is not applying pressure the full way through and just letting the hair drop out. This is often what causes the hair to straighten out and not curl.
If you’ve tried everything and your curls are still straightening out, you could need more protein, your hair is damaged, or you have wavy or very loose curls. Forcing the hair into the opposite direction that it naturally curls will also cause it to straighten out. Try switching the direction or angle of your brush to see if that helps.
If your hair is turning out stringy or frizzy, you may not have enough water in your hair and need to mist it as you’re styling.
Vertical sectioning:
If it’s still not curling at all (and you know you naturally have more curl) then it could be that you’re forcing the curls into the wrong direction. Try taking vertical sections instead and try curling toward your face or away from your face to see what works best.
The simplest way to brush style is brushing from underneath with a bit of tension, as vertical sections take more time.
It’s common for the hair to straighten a bit after it’s had tension, but you can gently shake it, finger coil it, or just scrunch to get the curl to return.
One area where I do vertical sections is around my front face-framing pieces. For me, it’s worth it to do a bit more precise brush styling and spend more time here because it’s a problem area for me. I have a lot of gray hairs that want to go wild, so vertical sections help keep them tucked into curl clumps.
It also defines the curls better that go in different directions or alternate.
Horizontal sections forces all of those curls into the same direction. I don’t always have to go in the perfect direction, but if I want my face-framing curls to fully spiral I will need to go in the proper direction per clump. I also usually have to finger coil in this section to get them to spiral in the right direction.
Tip for scalp showing:
Once you’re done styling, flip upside down and gently shake out the roots to break up any section lines. This is a great tip for those of you who have very low-density hair and your scalp shows easily.
Step 4: Microplop + Extra Gel
Purpose: Speed up dry time and increase hold/tame frizz
Once you’re happy with how it looks, the next step is to microplop with your hair towel (see below for example) and add extra gel.
Take your hair towel, using an area that is still damp, and gently scrunch from the bottom up. Be careful not to rough up the curls too much.
This absorbs the excess water to significantly cut down on dry time.
Then, add some extra gel by glazing it in and gently scrunch. This increase the hold and tames stubborn frizz because the hair is more dry.
- Hair RePear Ultimate Hair Towel
Step 5: Diffuse
Purpose: Set gel cast and the curl shape.
The last step is to diffuse which is also important if you’re someone who struggles with your curls falling or frizzing up quickly.
Diffusing sets the gel cast and freezes the curl shape in whichever position it’s in while drying. This is why I like to gather the hair in the diffuser and press it up towards my scalp. My curls will dry more defined and last longer.
Then, I use the prongs to lift the roots to create volume. Air drying often results a more elongated look and flatter roots. If you want to amp up the volume at the roots, add some root clips while your hair cools and sets after diffusing.
Once the hair is dry, you can scrunch out the cast. You can leave the cast in if you want it to last longer, or scrunch out the cast for a softer look. With dry hands, reach underneath and shake out the roots. Gently scrunch the lengths until it softens up. You can use an oil at this step too if your curls get really dry or brittle after wash day.
- Curlsmith Defrizzion Hair Dryer & XXL Diffuser

My curls are much more even, defined, and bouncy with brush styling. It also creates longer-lasting results because the frizz stays tucked into clumps. Refreshing is much easier too when the hair is already clumped and not stringy.
When it comes to the Tootilab Gel, it gives great definition and about a medium hold. I do get more frizz than usual since it’s lighter hold than other strong hold gels. It’s also frizzy the next day but it’s easy to refresh with just water and the slip and cast returns. It’s a good fall/winter gel for me and can be used on its own.
🎁 Giveaway 🎁
Enter to win one of 3 Bounce Curl EdgeLift brushes!
Volume EdgeLift brush in Purple
Define EdgeLift brush in Brick Red
Define EdgeLift brush in Pink
There will be 3 winners!
- Subscribe to my blog by email
- Comment on this post with a video request or what you’re struggling with
- You must be located in the US
Winners will be chosen at random on Dec 15 and contacted by email. You’ll get to choose your color based on what has not been claimed yet.
Good luck!
Still struggling with styling or frizz?
If you’ve tried anything and you just can’t seem to master styling techniques, I can help you in a curl coaching session. I am soon going to be offering guided styling sessions where we will style together and I will guide you on exactly what to do.
This will only be available to my existing clients starting next year, so we’ll need to meet for the introductory call first to get your routine established. Prices are changing next year as well, so book now to lock in current reduced pricing.
DM me “coaching” on Instagram or Facebook to chat if it’s a fit.

88 Responses
I love that you’re always sharing what products you’re using and why you’d recommend them. It really helps me to know if it’s a purchase that’s worth it for me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I am still struggling with diffusing and not creating frizz in the process.
I still cannot figure out a curl pattern. It seems all over the place.
Long time subscriber, first time commenter. I just cannot figure out how to cut down my brush styling time! My hair is incredibly fine but very dense, 2C/3A curls. Taking the time works for now, but I might be moving out of the country next year and having a stricter schedule, so I’m trying to prep now. I really appreciated this tutorial, though, and am going to try your methods out when I can! Thanks so much!!!
My biggest struggle with brush styling is what my hair does. I’ve tried the brushing and shaking but it always seems to straighten my hair. I can brush and scrunch and that sort of works but my hair tends to looks fairly straight until I start diffusing. Because of that I can’t get a consistent style, every day that I style it looks different.
Roughly 2C/3A hair.
My biggest problem is trying to get my curls to clump. I have very low density, fine high porosity hair & it just seems to frizz everywhere except right around my face where the curls are tight. Any suggestions for the very low density hair? My scalp shows everywhere.
Thank you so much!
There are still a few aspects of brush styling I’d love to hear more detail about:
1. Confirming: you put both cream/gel on before brushing? Or cream first and gel after?
2. Do you find you have to use a lot more product when brush styling? Do the bristles (especially w Bounce brush) wipe a good bit out?
3. I saw specific products online for cleaning the Bounce brush. How much/often care does it require?
I have been struggling with hair loss for a while until I went to see a Dermatologist about it. I was suffering from female bald pattern loss and thought that there was nothing I could do. But then my Dermatologist suggested I try red-light therapy. I went home and researched what it was and then found the device with the greatest reviews and greatest number of purchases on Amazon and bought it. I have to do 25 minutes of red-light therapy every other day and it was not long before I started seeing results. If you are a victim to hair loss and don’t know what to do, I suggest giving it a try. Gina, I believe you struggle with it a bit, if I am not mistaken.
I will watch the video again with horizontal vs vertical blush styling. I still don’t understand which direction my curls go in. Also not sure if I’m putting in to much product as my fine hair can get very stringy! Thank you for all these helpful videos. It really is a process….
I’d love to try this brush to netter define my wavy hair.
I can never seem to get my curl shape and volume to last. I’d love to try the Bounce Curl brush to see if my brush styling could be more consistent! 😊
as someone who almost exclusively brush styles my 2b-3a curls and waves but struggles to get neat separated sections, these tips are so helpful!! i have the other bounce curl define brush but sometimes it gives me MEGA curl clumps 😂 wondering if this version would give me more volume and separation! the purple color is absolutely gorgeous! thank you for your videos and advice as always 🩵
I love your content! I am struggling with consistency, I will have a day where my wavy curls look great and then I do the exact same thing later and it’s just not the same. Could it be hormones & how they affect my hair that day? I just don’t know. I would love a video on how to make fine, low density hair look fuller and any products that may plump up hair or add texture (silicone free is possible). Good luck to everyone that enters and thank you again Gena!
My biggest problem with wavy hair is getting any clumps. I always have thinner curls.
I love watching your tutorials but still seem to struggle with defining my curls. I have different curl patterns and do not always use brush styling because I get frustrated when my hair is not consistent. I prefer only using a curl cream because I don’t like the way my hair feels when I also use a gel. I need patience in order to decide if using a gel is beneficial to me. And I would love to try the Bounce Curl Define brush to master brush styling. Happy Holidays and thank you for being our curly girl guru Gena!
Love your videos and blog posts! My struggle is thin stringy curls, which I’m trying different techniques as recommended by you.
I love your attention to detail and methodical explanations! Thank you!
Congrats, Stacey! You’re one of the winners! I will email you to coordinate shipping.
I just bought the original Bounce Curl brush and have been struggling with how to use it. This video helped me so much! Although I find the bristles to be much too flexible and they don’t grab the hair well. Maybe I’m not using enough tension?
My biggest struggle is finding the balance between wanting juicy clumps but my hair being fine and low density.
My current curly hair struggle right now is root volume and definition. I find that my roots are generally completely straight/flat by day 2. I am also struggling with adjusting my curly hair routine to the colder winter climate. I have 2c/3a curls.
I have learned so much from your videos and posts. My hair has responded well to almost all of your recommendations from brushes and techniques, to products (quidad advanced climate control/ ag care Recoil combo is chef’s kiss). My biggest struggle is root lift. Bounce clips are next on my list.
My biggest struggle is getting longevity out of my style.
My biggest issue is tangles and a close second is frizz. I dry detangle before I shower which I spend a decent amount of time doing and still have to use conditioner first to detangle again before I shampoo. I do use a curl cream and leave-in conditioner but I’m wondering if maybe I’m not deep conditioning enough.
Do you like the Bounce Curl volume clips? I struggle with volume, and I am thinking about ordering them. Could you do a short video on how to use them correctly? Love all your videos and have found them extremely helpful! Thank you!
I started watching your videos duing the pandemic shutdown and you have truly changed my curls for the better- thank you!
I really enjoy your videos. I struggle with just taking the time to diffuse fully. I WFH an rarely go out so I find I just like to air dry and I am lazy. I am beginning to diffuse a couple times during the air dry. I also splurged and bought the curlsmith hair drier so maybe I’ll diffuse fully from now on…lol!.
I’ve learned so much from you! I left my main struggle over on YouTube but here’s another one…my hair is super curly in the front, but less in the back. The hair right at my crown id coarser but less curly, and frizzes more. I wish my pattern was more consistent
I would like to know if you have tried the Scrunch It Clumping Brush and what techniques you would recommend when using it.
Love your content. I struggle with consistent results but watching you helps
Love your content. I struggle with consistent results but watching you helps
Having recently realized I have wavy/curly hair, I’m still working to find which products work best for me. I appreciate your videos and blog posts and all the work you do.
I am struggling with my curls falling flat,they don’t seem to hold up well in winter time even when I use a gel or mousse. I clarify once a week,wear curl cap at night and I’ve tried plopping. I have curly wavy hair that used to be more curly when I was younger, looking for curls that last and look healthy. Also noticed hair is dry even with hair masks.
My struggle right now is finding the right balance between moisture and protein. I have high porosity hair and it always needs protein but I also need moisture too. Maybe you could make a video on how to get both protein and moisture?
My struggle right now is that I’m having a hard time getting a good balance between protein and moisture. My hair is high porosity so it’s gonna need protein but I also need moisture. Im just having a hard time getting both in my routine. Maybe you could make a video on how to get both moisture and protein in your curly hair routine?
I struggle with sectioning my hair. I always get the droopy sections hanging down and getting caught when I try to brush the sections! I’d love the Bounce Curl brush to try it out!
Just caught this video on YouTube and am super excited about the give away! I’ve had the define bounc curl brush on my wish list for a while! I do love a good hot pink…
I honestly can say I don’t have any significant struggles with my curls anymore…thanks to YOU! Previous videos that show how you section/brush and also microplopping before applying gel took care of my two curl consternations. You truly are the one who helped me break through that final wall into a repeatable, successful curl routine. You already fixed the struggles I had, and I will ALWAYS be grateful for you!
Thank you for the great content! I’d love to see a video on how to manage and style hair that has a tight curl pattern underneath but almost straight out of the crown. This is my personal huge challenge.
Hi Gena! Thank you for your super detailed posts and videos, they are always quite helpful. One thing I struggle with is knowing how wet or damp my hair should be when applying my styling products. My hair is fine and low porosity, but high density. I’ve found that styling on soaking wet hair is definitely not the way to go as it weighs my fine hair down too much. I tend to think damp gives me better results, but then it can appear stringy sometimes. I realize that I probably just need to do a lot more experimenting to get it figured out.
I’m always struggling to get volume on my hair, after my hair grow back from cancer it’s very fine and wavy curly frizzy so all hair stylers always recommend me to have it short so that way looks with more volume, but I got tired of the short hair and I want to let it grow and try to use ways to make it look with volume without cutting it. Please make more videos on styling products for volume 😊thank you Gena for the giveaway ☺️I’ll love to try the bounce curl volume brush ❤️🙏❤️🤞🍀🤞
I struggle with my curls not holding but falling flat easily. Thanks, in part, to your videos I’m starting to problem-solve the issue.
I also struggle with inconsistent curls/waves, with curls at the nape of my neck and around my ears but the hair coming from my crown and around my face is more flat.
Thanks for what you do!
I have learned so much about my curly hair and how to properly work with it by watching your videos. I was floored by how beautiful they looked after following your instructions on how and what to use. Thank you for all your knowledge 🩷
I always struggle with my scalp showing in the back of my head. So hard to control the way the curls look back there!
Thanks for all the tips! I’ve been practicing with the brush I have, but still struggle with getting my roots to curl. The length of my curls look strange when I bring the brush away from my scalp. Also, do you have any recommendations for styling products in year-round dry climates? I haven’t found a styling product I want to repurchase.
Love how detailed this post is and how thorough you are! It helps so much and I will keep coming back to your channel because it has been super helpful while also being entertaining 😃
I really enjoyed the related youtube video. I’m still new to brush styling. The video helped reinforce what I was doing correctly and what I could improve upon.
I get a spiral perm about once a year because It helps with volume and I LOVE CURLY hair My perm has fallen out at the top leaving it flat to my head. If you pick me I could benefit from the purple volume brush my favorite color also. I am thinking of dying my hair because of the gray hair. You mentioned you have grays. What do you use in between dying your hair for the roots? This video was very helpful showing how to brush style your hair looks amazing!
I recently started diffusing and using a set of products, but I think I’d like to see a more in depth diffusing tutorial. For one, I don’t know if I’m supposed to use heat or not.
Could you talk about how the hair should be cut for wavy curly hair? You have mentioned a few times that the cut is important, but you really haven’t explained the cut. I know ot will be different depending on the hair, but are there some general guided lines or dos/don’ts?
My biggest curly hair struggle at the moment is trying to find a way to sleep and work out without putting my hair up all the time. I’ve started noticing some hair loss around the front section of my hair from doing this too much. I don’t normally wear my hair up either, only when I sleep and work out (I work out every day) so this is a huge struggle for me. I can’t keep a satin bonnet on (I used an adjustable one) so I sleep with a satin silk pillowcase and a loose pineapple bun right now.
I recently started to bring back my curls after years of heat styling. Your videos and blogs have been so useful! I struggle sometimes with stringy curls and currently I am struggling with styling my front pieces.
Hmmm want my curls to last longer between wash days and best way to refresh. Love your videos thank you.
I have been following you for a long time now. I have learned so much about having healthy curly hair from your videos! My hair is high porosity, low density, with a wavy to curly pattern. I love how much detail that you share about the products and styling tips. You have helped me so much on my natural hair journey! I would love to see you share info for gel that isn’t overly moisturizing but with a great hold.
Your advise and videos have helped me tremendously. I am able to get better curl definition but still struggle with volume, longer lasting volume. My hair is soft, medium curly, kinda dry, very fine. I use the Curlsmith dryer/diffuser. I have tried many of Curlsmith’s product line, currently using the Volume line (pink labeling), the Aqua Gel sometimes but I feel the hold is not strong enough.
I’d like tips on stronger hold gel that won’t weigh down quickly and make my hair look and feel even dryer.
Do you use a gel on your hair after it is dry to smooth your edges? If so, what do you use? Thanks
I have very dense fine short above shoulder length hair. I find brush styling hard to do. Any tips for short hair styling or those with dense fine hair? My curls don’t last long after day 2 and get weighed down by products easily.
I really enjoy watching and gathering all the information you put out here – however, I am 69 and my hair is short and very thin (scalp showing thin) and I have to wash my hair daily to get the curls back. Well, at least wet it down. Plus my hair does get the ”old lady” frizzies. I am appreciative of the curls because of the thinness but I would love the curls to be less frizzy and fatter. I don’t have a lot of hope there. I am thankful for any advice you have.
I struggle with constant dandruff/ sebbhoreic dermatitis and would love the maroon brush to help with more volume.
Like Hannah G, I have very dense and short curls. However, mine is coarse. I struggle with definition just because there’s so much hair. Sounds like the tension from brush styling would make a difference. I don’t currently section either so that’s something else to try.Thanks for all this great info.
This was really helpful! I struggle with sectioning (which you did a great job of explaining), root volume, dryness and tangles. I’ve wanted one of these brushes for a few months now, but I just haven’t ordered one yet.
No matter how well I brush style there are always random hairs that come out of the clumps within seconds/minutes. I’ve tried everything including various amounts of water in my hair when styling.
I would love to see your tips on preventing frizz that begins when the hairs wet! It seems like my hair frizzes up as soon as conditioner is washed out.
I really struggle with definition, I don’t finger coil nor do I brush style. I use a leave in, curl cream, gel, and scrunch my hair. I dry the excess water with a microfiber towel, and air dry followed by a hair oil. I notice that my hair gets more curly as the week progresses. If you could make a video on what can we do to prioritize definition in our hair results on wash day, that’d be great! I’m trying to figure out a new routine, so I’m open to anything. Thanks for your recent video, it’s the kind of in-depth video I need when trying something new out.
Huge fan! I love how you’ve been a long-time Bounce Curl girl like me, miss Gena Marie! I super appreciate all your diligent and thorough research and tested techniques that you share with the community. You’re a wonderful instructor and guide and your videos and posts are ALWAYS so genuinely helpful. THANK YOU! I’m about to make a purchase and use your code. I wasn’t are the new brush was for volume! I must have it.
Also, I’d love to be signed up for the giveaway and I forgot to mention I struggle with time management and routine maintenance. Consistency is one of my life’s unique challenges so I get a lot of mixed results. If you could make a video sharing tips specifically about wash-day timelines for people with dry, flaky scalp concerns and curls, I’d be grateful.
Your blog and YouTube channel help me immensely!! I have long 2b- 2c(ish) hair. Refreshing my hair is a struggle; it gets so tangly on day one (I have a very straight under layer that doesn’t curl much), so rewetting completely to detangle is a necessity most days. I do protect my hair at night, but just wearing it down on Day 1 makes it so tangled. I’d appreciate any wisdom!
I would love to try the Define Brush!
I need help with VOLUME! Thanks for ALL the amazing PDFs info sheets you provide for all kinds of elements in curly hair care. I’ve already learned so much from you. Happy holidays!
Struggling with volume and hair loss in the front and back! So bummed out with my hair 😞
Hi Gena!
I am still struggling with lack of definition in my curls. I have very fine low porosity 2c/3a curls and I find that even when I use very hard hold gels like the NYM curl talk gel you recommend, it definitely makes them less soft but then they are just too crispy and stringy/not defined. Perhaps I need to be spritzing my hair with more water?
I need tips for sleeping while protecting my hair
And I also have different curl patterns, so tips for making the more wavy parts more curly would be great!
Everyones curly hair is unique and how it responds to products varies. Can you keep it simple with minimal products per hair type and texture?
My hair was completely straight (not even a bend) for almost 50 years. Now it’s mostly 2b and I’ve been trying to style it wavy/curly for just over a year with mixed success. My biggest challenge is being able to repeat my successes despite documenting wash and refresh days. My other big challenge is accepting frizz is now inevitable. 😉
The volume bounce curl brush would be extra helpful to add more volume to my fine low density curls!🤗
Thanks for this! I’m fairly new to brush styling, and I find it hard to do the back of my long, wavy hair. But I’m working on refining my techniques–practice, practice, practice!
Amazing video! I’m struggling with frizz at the root due to breakage after going blonde.
Amazing Video as Always Gena! I have been struggling on what the proper or the best way to place my hair in a satin bonnet is, where the next day I have to do little to no restyling. I also use satin scruchies and pillows to avoid any snagging of the hair strands when I am asleep, but some mornings it just looks like a big ball of hair and I have to completely re-do my wash day routine.🥲 This may be with products that have more of a cast and I do fluff it out a little bit of hair oil before going to bed but some days there is no saving grace with the mess!
This is actually what I have been struggling with recently and I think this has what I have been doing wrong, I think I haven’t been putting tension on all the way down!
I’ve been following you since probably 2019 & your videos have helped me tremendously to get my hair the way it is now. I don’t have a specific video idea. I get a little knowledge from all of your videos even if it’s not something that directly relates to my hair right now.
I don’t know if this is a video idea, but traveling, especially internationally, is difficult. We try to travel carry on then so bringing everything is not possible. But imine more pictures when I travel so I want my hair to look its best! Thanks for all you share.
I wish my hair turned out as good as yours when I try to brush style. I can’t get nearly as much volume, probably because you have a tighter curl pattern.
Thank you Gena! I’ve been living with my hair in a bun for the past 5 years after moving to a humid place. Finally decided to learn how to care for my fine, low density curls. Your information has helped me greatly!
A video on overall scalp health would be great!
A video on overall scalp health would be great!
I would love to learn more about styling the back of my hair… only some parts of my head come out right, then some is flat.
You always give great information ❤️. Please make a video about your top drugstore products
Been struggling with curl definition!
I’m going to try these tips today. I’ve really struggled with brush styling as I have fibromyalgia but I think your method might be doable for me. I hope! I appreciate all of the time and effort you obviously put into your videos.