Hair washing mistakes

Hair Washing Mistakes – How to Properly Wash Curly Hair

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Could you be shampooing & conditioning your hair wrong, and not even know it? Although it seems super basic, there are some things to consider for naturally curly hair. In this video, I will walk you through how to properly shampoo, clarify, and condition your curly hair.

I am partnering with AG Care for this video to share the sale they have going on now through January 21, 2024. When you purchase a liter-size refill pouch, you receive a free regular-sized product ($34 value).

Just a disclaimer, there is no right to “wrong” way to care for your curls! If you are doing any of these “mistakes” and it’s working for you, keep doing them. These tips are for those who are struggling with tangles, frizz, damage, dryness, excess oil etc., and are looking for alternatives to try.

Mistake #1: Applying shampoo to tangled hair

Applying shampoo to tangled hair causes the hair to become matted, tangled, and a mess.

Instead, try detangling first with a bit of conditioner on wet hair, or dry hair with a bit of oil.

Step 1 – Detangle with Conditioner

I used the AG Curl Fresh Coconut Avocado Conditioner, which contains rich coconut oil, avocado oil, and mango butter to smooth and protect the hair’s cuticle. This will help remove the tangles and loose hairs, getting them out of the way so you can reach your scalp when you’re shampooing and the hair won’t mat up worse, becoming a tangled mess.

This order of conditioning before shampoo is not required for all hair types, but it can certainly help if you’re someone who struggles with tangles, damage, and breakage. Give it a try on your next wash day and let me know how it goes.

Step 2 – Shampoo & Scrub

For shampoo, I’m using the AG Curl Fresh Curl Enhancing Shampoo. Both of these come in refillable aluminum bottles so there is less waste, and you can refill them with the liter-sized pouches.

The Curl Fresh shampoo has sulfate-free cleansing agents that are effective at removing impurities but are not stripping on delicate curls. It contains pea and rice amino acids which increase moisture and curl retention.

Mistake #2: Not thoroughly applying your shampoo

Not thoroughly applying your shampoo can leave behind oil, buildup, and sweat. If you’re someone whose hair becomes oily after just one day, not thoroughly shampooing can make oil worse.

Instead, try emulsifying the shampoo in your hands first, then applying it to your scalp. You may need to section your hair if your hair is very thick to ensure you coat all areas. Don’t forget the hairline where makeup, skincare, and hair products can buildup.

Gently massage the scalp with the pads of your fingers. You don’t want to rush when you do this, especially if you’re using a mild shampoo, you need that friction from your fingers to lift away buildup and dead skin.

You can also use a scalp massager if you’d like to really get down to the scalp. This is especially helpful for those with very thick hair or dry scalp with flakes. After covering all areas, rinse out the shampoo.

Shampoo 2X

Check your scalp to make sure you’re not seeing any residue left behind. If you still feel some, I go in with another round of shampoo. This double cleanse method is something you typically hear about with skincare routines when you’re washing your face, but double cleansing your scalp and hair may be necessary. 

You would be shocked at how much more lather you get the second time around. The first time, the shampoo is removing that oil and product residue. Then the second time you really get a deep cleanse once that is out of the way.

Mistake #3: Shampooing too rough

Shampooing too quickly and too rough, such as scrubbing the lengths of your hair upwards can cause tangles, breakage, and unnecessary frizz.

Instead, try focusing just on massaging your scalp and letting the shampoo run down the lengths of your hair. I still work the shampoo down the hair shaft to make sure it gets covered, but I’m keeping everything in a downward motion, not going against the cuticle direction. Avoid lifting the lengths of your hair up on top of your head and scrubbing. You want to be very gentle and let the water and shampoo run downwards.

Mistake #4: Not thoroughly applying conditioner and neglecting roots

Not thoroughly applying conditioner will lead to dry, brittle hair. Neglecting the hair at the root can cause root frizz. We’ve always heard to not apply conditioner to your roots or they’ll get greasy, but we can’t just neglect the hair on top of our head and never condition it or apply products to it. After we shampoo, the pH of our hair is raised which means the cuticle is lifted, susceptible to damage, frizzy, and dullness. Conditioner lowers the pH back down to its natural state which smooths the cuticle.

Step 3 – Condition Thoroughly

Apply conditioner to your ends first, and then work the rest back up to the top of your head. I like to glaze it over the surface of my roots so that way I’m coating the hair there but I’m not getting it onto my scalp.

I ensure I have plenty of conditioner on my hands as I’m detangling and removing all of the loose hairs. Then I like to brush it through to ensure it’s evenly coating each strand and none are left behind. Be very gentle when brushing your hair while wet, or just use your hands. 

After, scrunch your hair which is often called the “squish to condish” method. This just helps the conditioner absorb into the hair and can help people with low-porosity hair.

Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out. When I’m rinsing out my conditioner, I like to gently massage my scalp to ensure I’m rinsing any off of there that may have gotten on my scalp.

Once it’s rinsed out, I like to just run my fingers through my hair to lift the hair off of the scalp so it’s not stuck to my head. This prevents the roots from being stretched out and the curls start to form.

Before & After AG Curl Fresh


For stylers, I used some of my all-time favorites from AG, the Recoil Curl Cream and the Liquid Effects Gel. Apply curl cream to damp hair and then brush it through. Then rake in the gel, ensuring you coat every strand. I also did a bit of brush styling to smooth frizz and enhance the curls, specifically around my face. 

After styling scrunch with a hair towel to soak up excess water and then diffuse. Once the hair is fully dry, scrunch out the gel cast and fluff the roots.

Final Results

Mistake #5: Not clarifying regularly

If you’re experiencing buildup on your scalp, or your hair feels sticky, and weighed down, and your curls aren’t springing up, then it may be time to clarify. Avoid using co-washes and very mild shampoos as your only cleanser.

To remove buildup and prevent it, switch out your regular shampoo for a clarifying shampoo about once or twice a month. Buildup can occur from the rich oils and butters in our curly hair products, silicones, scalp oil, and sweat.  Minerals in hard water are also a huge culprit for buildup and can wreak havoc on our hair. 

Use a clarifying shampoo like the AG Renew Shampoo. This not only removes product buildup, but also removes hard water and chlorine from the hair.

After clarifying, I prefer to use a deep conditioner or a very moisturizing conditioner and let it sit. You need to replenish that moisture and condition the hair after doing a strong cleanse.

I like to do both clarifying and deep conditioning to reset my hair 1-3 times per month. If you’re experiencing any hair issues or if nothing seems to be working, then it’s likely time for this reset routine so you can start fresh with a clean slate.

Mistake #6: Washing your hair in hot water

Did you know water over 100 degrees F can damage our hair’s cuticle, making it more susceptible to breakage, protein loss, and dryness? If you feel like the top layer of your hair is more porous and damaged than the bottom section, this could be a factor.

Instead, use lukewarm water that is under 100 degrees F to prevent damage and dryness. I checked my hot water with a thermometer, and it was about 110 degrees so I’ve been using water that’s too hot. If you love hot showers, just turn it down some when you’re washing your hair, and then you can turn it up for your body. Don’t worry about doing a cold water rinse, as this is a myth and will not “close” your hair’s cuticle (source).

Save on AG Products

Don’t forget to check out the AG sale before it ends and receive a free regular-size product with the purchase of a liter-size pouch. Ends Jan. 21, 2024.

If you’re seeing this after the sale, you can always save 20% on AG with my code GENA20 (can’t be combined with other offers).

If you are experiencing a ton of wet frizz, tangles, and webbing when you’re washing, check out the post on Causes of Webbed Frizz & How to Fix It.

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2 Responses

  1. I’m currently in school and I get in the shower every morning and night so if I buy the curl activation and the styling lotion, can I use that every day without creating build-up until wash day? And do you only use those 2 products to style your hair every day? If not please tell me what you use, thanks! 🙂

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