ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer

Hey everyone! So when I put on my foundation I’ve always applied it all over my lids too, thinking that it was holding on my eye shadow. But then I was noticing people were doing a lot of reviews on eye shadow primer. I never really thought about it before, but I noticed how much […]

ELF Discount Codes

I got an email with some discount codes from ELF so here they are! 50% OFF MINERAL MAKEUP! Buy one mineral item get the 2nd item 50% off. Use code NEWMINB50 with orders $20 or more. Max $50 discount. Shop Now at www.eyeslipsface.com/depts_minerals.asp?dept_id=1190 50% OFF STUDIO! Code EGSTUDIOX with orders $20 or more. Max $50 […]

Fav Fall Nail Colors

Hey! So where I live we get to experience some of each season. I’ve always had the torture of being teased with a few months of summer and then it suddenly getting cold and turning to winter. Then enduring a long few months of winter, with the excitement of spring to come. So every year […]

Everyday Products

Hey guys! So the first thing I am going to talk about it my favorite everyday products. These are just the basic things I use. Hair: My hair is actually very curly, but I straighten it, curl it, and do lots of stuff with it. But, when its curly I like to wash it at […]

An Introduction

Hey! I am starting this blog to help everyone out and share what I love most with you. I love playing around with makeup, trying new looks, and putting outfits together. I can give you beauty advice from experience and show you tutorials on different things. I’ll be posting reviews on some of my favorite […]